The Strike for Democracy is a rag-tag band of nerds and students that have all come to the same conclusion— when the time comes that the Trump regime needs to be stopped, massive, peaceful and non-violent protests and civil disobedience are the solution. Informed by our research, we formulated a plan. We wanted a weekly check-in for readiness to strike so that our members could see, every week, that hundreds, thousands, eventually millions of their fellow Americans were ready to stand with them in solidarity. We wanted you all to know, every week, that you are not alone.
The choice of Telegram was based on a few factors.
First, Telegram is heavily used by the Ukrainian military, including Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself - and it was after the shameful meeting at the White House that we decided that, for all intents and purposes, America had a dictator in the Oval Office. This is also evidenced by the US voting with Russia, North Korea, and Belarus (all dictatorships) opposing a UN resolution condemning Putin’s invasion and supporting Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
Second were technical and practical considerations - Telegram is free and has the features we need for a light-weight poll that would support millions of users.
Third, for darkly pragmatic—and, admittedly, slightly fearful—reasons, we chose Telegram because it is heavily used by far-right extremists—domestic terrorists whom we firmly oppose, but who have strongly supported the president and often been praised by him for their ‘patriotism’. Thus, we consider it unlikely the platform would be readily or easily banned by the tech oligarchs, in the event our movement grows to the scale we hope for.
Finally, Telegram made it possible to easily distribute polling and strike duties across the team, to ensure as best we can that the movement survives the loss of any members.
The Team
Our movement has been heavily influenced by the Otpor movement that overthrew Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia. Thus, from the outset, we strove to build a team of co-equal leaders.
Coordinating via Telegram, the team meets regularly to plan actions and update our public channel and messaging.